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Web Log



22 December
New entry in Bibliograph: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru (O'Clery). 
21 December
New IMSLA issue (Volume 6 Number 3). 
7 December
New entry in Bibliography: Argentina (Estudio O'Farrell); Iberia (Téllez, García Hernán). New entry in Links (Irish Studies: La comunidad irlandesa en la monarquía hispánica).
24 November
New entry in Bibliography: Argentina (Walsh).
20 November
New entry in Bibliography: Spain, Portugal (Carrera).
14 November
Archives of Irish Migration Studies in Latin America (Archives) - corrected month/year for volume 6, Number 1.
5 November
New entries in Bibliographies: Spain, Portugal (Palacios-González, Pérez Tostado, Downey); Colombia, Venezuela (Monaghan); Caribbean (Rothman); Paraguay, Uruguay (Montalbán).
31 October
Announcements (IMSLA call for review submissions). Extension of the deadline to send abstracts for the Mexico conference.
28 October
New entry in Spain, Portugal Bibliography (Jaspe).
30 September
New IMSLA issue (Volume 6 Number 2). New entry in Links page (Brazil: ABEI).
16 September
New entry in Announcements.
13 September
Corrected link in Bibliography (Argentina: Mulhall, Michael George). 
5 September
New entry in Bibliography (Argentina: Barillaro). 
14 August
Added profiles to Executive Committee Members and Officers (Andrés Romera). Addition in Announcements.
12 August
Update in 2009 Mexico conference pages (Salvador Méndez Reyes to the Organizing Committee)
1 August
Update in Announcements.
3 July
Update in About SILAS (Irish Language Officer). New Annual General Meeting in Members Only restricted area.

23 June
New ILARF grant recipients.

16 June
New entries in bibliographies: Argentina (Cernadas, O'Fogartaigh, Punte).
10 June
Update in Announcements (Patrick Rice and Munira Mutran). New entry in Bibliography of Eliza Lynch (Cardozo Ocampo).
5 June
Update in bibliography: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru (O'Connor); Argentina (Maguire, S.J., Murray John, Gildea).
26 May
Update in Feedback.
23 May
Change in 2009 conference pages: Mexico 2009 and in Announcements (co-organiser UPAEP).
21 May
Second SILAS Conference pages: Mexico 2009. New entries in Announcements.
19 May
New design for contact form.
14 May
New design for IMSLA cover page. Updates in Announcements.
18 April
Changed photo of the steamer Dresden in Michael Geraghty's article 'Argentina: Land of Broken Promises'.
9 April
New entry in bibliography: Caribbean (Singleton).
3 April
New entries in bibliographies: Mexico (De Ita); and Latin America (Byrne).
2 April
New IMSLA issue (Vol. 6 Number 1).
31 March
Update in Claire Healy's profile (Executive Committee Members and Auditor).
26 March
New articles for IMSLA. New entry in bibliography (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru: O'Phelan Godoy).
12 March
New entry in Toponymy (Chile: Vallenar). New entry in bibliography (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru: Sepúlveda).

6 March
Changed design of Name Database Search.   

3 March
Installed Name Database Search. Update in Announcements. New entries in bibliography (Brazil: Flecknoe, O'Reilly). Added Web Log 2008 in the home page.  
29 February
New entry in Links (Instituto Brasil-Irlanda).
26 February
New designs for Join Now, Donate, and Subscribe forms.
21 February
New entries in bibliographies Argentina (Izarra); Mexico (Backal, Konove, Méndez Plancarte, Meza González, Riva Palacio); and Latin America (Murphy).
19 February
Added links in Support. New contents in Announcements.
18 February
Addition in Mexico bibliography (Silva Prada). 
15 February
Addition in Mexico bibliography (Harris: annotation), Portugal & Spain (García Hernán: database on CD). 
14 February
Changes in Literature (thesis by Murray only abstract and table of contents).
12 February
Addition in Caribbean bibliography (Silén). 

7 February
Change in Mexico bibliography (Harris). Launch of 2008-2009 grants programme.

5 February
Change in Argentina bibliography (Peart).
28 January
New distribution of Argentina bibliography. Updates in bibliographies: Argentina (Graham-Yooll); Portugal, Spain (García Hernán).
18 January
Launch of IMSLA call for contributions (Vol. 6, N° 2, July 2008).
10 January
Update in Caribbean bibliography (Chinea, Rodgers, Novillo-Corvalán, Anderson, Brehony, Fernández Moya, Burton, Power, Byrne, Quintana, Tewfik, Caulfield, Skinner); Colombia-Venezuela bibliography (Brown).
9 January
New Latin American and Caribbean countries have been added to Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Latin America.
7 January
Update in Brazil bibliography (Bomba).

2006 - 2007 - 2008

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