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Please support the Society for Irish Latin American Studies

SILAS depends on the enthusiastic voluntary work and contributions of its Members and friends. Whether large or small, your contribution will make a difference.

Your generosity makes possible for the Society to encourage and sponsor research and studies that otherwise would not be conducted. Furthermore, donations allow SILAS to publish this journal, as well as organising student grants programmes and conferences. Our heartfelt thanks!   

Yes, I want to give something!
No, I cannot help for the moment but contact me in the future.
You can support Irish-Latin American research in general, or specify your donation to be used for one special programme.
General donation: Suggested from Euro 100 Your donation:
Special programmes:
- Research grants Suggested from Euro 200 Your donation: 
- Publications Suggested from Euro 700 Your donation: 
- Conferences  Suggested from Euro 2000 Your donation:
- Manuscripts and other projects  Suggested from Euro 5000 Your donation:

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(communications will be sent via email)

Payments may be made in Euros, US Dollars or British Pounds Sterling. Cheques, drawn on any bank, and bank transferences should be made payable to:

Society for Irish Latin American Studies
At. Andrés Romera
Smoorbeg, Kill, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Bank: Bank of Ireland
Branch: Lisduggan, Co. Waterford, Ireland
IBAN (Account Number): IE18 BOFI 9062 1678 4229 67
Sort Code: 90-62-16  


En Argentina, puede realizar sus pagos en:


Patsy Murray
San Martín 345 piso 3 Oficina 7
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Horario: Lunes a Viernes, de 14.30 a 17.30

Teléfono: 4806-2099 o 15 4428-7342


(solo en Dólares o Euros - Gracias)

 Last edited: 07 May 2009 17:06

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

 Copyright Information