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Irish Migration Studies in Latin America

A publication of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies

ISSN 1661-6065


Irish Migration Studies in Latin America is an open-access journal, available for free view and download on the public internet (http://www.irlandeses.org).  

This journal is a resource for the study of connections between Ireland and Latin America, including articles, book and film reviews, biographies and edited source materials. The first issue appeared in 2003 and it is currently published three times a year.

Irish Migration Studies in Latin America is helpful to historians, literary scholars, anthropologists, geographers and students of the Irish and British migration to Latin America, and the Latin American migration to Ireland.

Bound, colour print-on-demand editions are ideal for libraries and institutions.    

Annual subscription (3 issues)

EUR 300, USD 400, GBP 255

Back issues (each one)

EUR 100, USD 130, GBP 85

Hardcopies are printed in colour paper, bound in Fastback or similar system, and sent by normal post between 4 or 6 weeks after the launching of the online edition. All costs are included.

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Payments may be made in Euros, US Dollars or British Pounds Sterling. Cheques, drawn on any bank, and bank transferences should be made payable to:

Society for Irish Latin American Studies
At. Andrés Romera
Smoorbeg, Kill, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Bank: Bank of Ireland
Branch: Lisduggan, Co. Waterford, Ireland
IBAN (Account Number): IE18 BOFI 9062 1678 4229 67
Sort Code: 90-62-16  


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Patsy Murray
San Martín 345 piso 3 Oficina 7
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 Last edited: 14 Diciembre 2011 20:46

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

 Copyright Information