8, Number 2 (November 2010)
The Role of Irish Missionaries
in Latin America
Guest Editor:
Desmond Kelleher
The editors of Irish Migration Studies in Latin America invite submissions for a special issue (Volume 8, Number 2, November 2010) that will explore the role of Irish missionaries and other Irish-related faith groups in Latin America, from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Articles may focus on any aspect of missionary activity by Irish or Irish descendents in Latin America or Latin Americans in Ireland. Submissions may take the form of a study based on one particular person, the history of missionary groups or analyses of the contributions of these groups to the social and religious fabric of their host societies. Potential contributions may also focus on "bringing the mission back home", that is, the involvement of religious organisations in social work among Latin American immigrants in Ireland. Articles in English should be submitted to the Guest Editor by 29 October 2010; articles in Spanish, Portuguese, French or German should be submitted by 30 September 2010. IMSLA is an illustrated journal, and so images to accompany the texts are very welcome. The editors also welcome book, film and website reviews, edited discussions of primary documents, photo essays, and short biographies related to the topic of the special issue.