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The Irish in Latin America and Iberia
A Bibliography

By Edmundo Murray


Allendorfer, Frederic von, An Irish regiment in Brazil (1826-1828) in 'The Irish Sword' 3:10 (summer 1957), pp. 18-31.

Araujo Neto, Miguel Alexandre de, British journalism in late 19th Century Brazil: the case of the Anglo-Brazilian Times (1865-1884), MA dissertation, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London (London, 1992).

Araujo Neto, Miguel Alexandre de, Imagery and arguments pertaining to the issue of free immigration in the Anglo-Irish press in Rio de Janeiro in 'The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies' (São Paulo) 5 (2003), pp. 111-127. [website]

Araujo Neto, Miguel Alexandre de, "Great Britain, the Paraguayan War and Free Immigration in Brazil, 1862-1875" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

Basto, Fernando, Ex-Combatentes Irlandeses em Taperoa (Rio de Janeiro: Editôra Vozes, 1971).

Bomba, Nicholas, 'The Hibernian Amazon: A Struggle for Sovereignty in the Portuguese Court, 1643-1648' in Journal of Early Modern History 11:6 (2007), pp. 447-474. Drawing from Aubrey Gwynn's research of 1932 and the archival records of the Conselho Ultramarino of Portugal, the author tells the story of an Irish colony in the Amazon, as it was
conceived, proposed, and debated in the court of the House of Bragança.
Cantarino, Geraldo, Uma Ilha chamada Brasil: o Paraíso Irlandês no Passado Brasileiro (Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2004). Origins of the name Brazil in the Irish legend of Hy-Brassil. ISBN: 857478141X, pp. 407.
Comerford, Patrick, From India to Brazil: Nicholas Comerford, A Seventeenth Century Kilkenny-born Cartographer in 'Old Kilkenny Review: Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society' 51 (1999), pp. 92-102. Biography of Nicholas Comerford (1610-1665).
De Andrade, Wilma Therezinha Fernandes. 'Narcisa Emília: uma irlandesa na vida de José Bonifácio' in Leopoldianum (São Paulo: Universidade Católica de Santos), 81-82 (May-December 2004), pp. 11-28. Biography of Narcisa Emília O´Leary de Andrade.
Flecknoe, Richard. A relation of ten years travells in Europe, Asia, Affrique and America (London, 1654), 2nd. ed. 1657. The author, who was an Irish catholic priest, poet and adventurer, travelled from Lisbon to Brazil in 1648 and spent eight months from January to August 1649 in Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. This is regarded as the first book written by an English speaking traveller to Brazil (thanks to Peter O'Neill for this reference).

Freyre, Gilberto, Ingleses (Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1942).

Freyre, Gilberto, Ingleses no Brasil: aspectos da influencia Britânica sobre a vida, a paisagem e a cultura do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1948).

Griggs, William Clark, The Elusive Eden: Frank McMullan's Confederate Colony in Brazil (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987).

Guenther, Louise, British Merchants in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Business, Culture, and Identity in Bahia, 1808-1850 (Oxford: University of Oxford Centre for Brazilian Studies, 2004).

Gwynn, Aubrey, An Irish Settlement on the Amazon in 'Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy' (Dublin) 61-C:41 (July 1932), pp. 1-54.

Gwynn, Aubrey, Documents Relating to the Irish in the West Indies in 'Analecta Hibernica' (Dublin) 4 (October 1932), pp. 139-286.

Gwynn, Aubrey, Father Thomas Field, S.J. (Dublin: The Irish Messenger, 1924).

Gwynn, Aubrey, The First Irish Priests in the New World in 'Studies' 21:82 (June 1932), pp. 213-228.

Handbook for Emigrants to Brazil. Containing a collection [...] Brazilian Legislation that Most Particularly [sic] Interest Those Strangers Who Will Make Their Residence in Brazil, etc. (Rio de Janeiro: E. & H. Laemmert, 1865).

Harris, James, 'From the Putumayo to Connemara: Roger Casement's Amazon Voyage of Discovery' in ABEI Journal Vol. 4 (June 2002), pp. 131-138. [document]
Healy, Claire, "Carnaval do Galway: The Brazilian Community in Gort, 1999-2006" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]
Horan, John, "Phil Lynott: Famous For Many Reasons" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

Inglis, Brian, Roger Casement: the biography of a patriot who lived for England, died for Ireland (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973). Casement was British consul in Rio de Janeiro and in that position denounced the exploitation of Indian rubber workers in Peruvian Amazon.

Ireland, John de Courcy, Ireland and the Irish in Martime History (Dublin: Glendale Press, 1986).

Izarra, Laura P.Z., "Reinventing Brazil: New Readings and Renewal in the Narratives of Irish Travellers" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

Lauth, Aloisius Carlos, A Colônia Príncipe Dom Pedro: um caso de política no Brasil Império (Brusque, 1987).

Lindsay-Bucknall, Hamilton. A Search for Fortune. The autobiography of a younger son (1878), translated into Portuguese by Ezio Pinto Monteiro. Um jovem irlandês no Brasil em 1874 (São Paulo & Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Hachette do Brasil, 1976).

Lorimer, Joyce (ed.), English and Irish Settlements on the River Amazon 1550-1646 (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1990), xxvi, 499.

Mac Cormaic, Ruadhán. "Faraway fields give Vila Gort new gloss" in The Irish Times (11 April 2007). Stories about South American immigration in Gore, county Galway, where almost forty per cent of the population is Brazilian. Jerry O'Callaghan, who worked in Brazil's meat business since the late 1970s, connected friends in Ireland with potential skilled workers from Anápolis in Brazil. The first went to Kepak in Clonee. In 1998 a group of twenty-five were sent to Dunboyne. After Kepak's strategy, Seán Duffy Meat Exports in Gort and others in Ireland started searching their workers in Anápolis. [website]

Marshall, Oliver, English, Irish and Irish-American Pioneer Settlers in Nineteenth-Century Brazil (Oxford: University of Oxford Centre for Brazilian Studies, 2005). The first book about English-speaking colonies in Brazil, Marshall's study analyses the origins and development of failed British and Irish settlements of Príncipe Dom Pedro, Espírito Santo, Colônia Cananéia and Colônia Assunguy in the 1860s and 1870s. The appendices include a list of immigrants. Review by Edmundo Murray in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 July 2006 [document]

Marshall, Oliver, Brazil in British and Irish Archives (Oxford: University of Oxford Centre for Brazilian Studies, 2002).

Marshall, Oliver (ed.), "Petition to Pope Pius the Ninth" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

McGinn, Brian, The Irish in Brazil in 'Irish Roots' (Cork) 22 (1997), pp. 25-26.

McGinn, Brian, Brazil, the Irish in in Lalor, Brian (ed.) 'The Encyclopedia of Ireland' (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), p. 120.

McGinn, Brian, The Amazon Irish: New World Pioneers were Lured by Dreams of Riches, Freedom in the 'Irish Echo' (New York) 11-17 March 1992.

Mello, José Antônio Gonsalves de, Ingleses em Pernambuco: História do Cemitério Britânico do Recife e da participação de ingleses e outros estrangeiros na vida e na cultura de Pernambuco, no período de 1813 a 1909 (Recife: Instituto Arqueológico, Histórico e Geográfico Pernambucano, 1972).

Mitchell, Angus (ed.), "Roger Casement's Hy-Brassil: Irish origins of Brazil" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

Mulhall, Michael G., Rio Grande do Sul, and its German Colonies (London: Longman Green & Co., 1873).

Mulhall, Michael G. and Edward T. Mulhall, Handbook of Brazil (Buenos Aires, Standard Office, 1877).

Murphy, Hillary, When Wexford farmers emigrated to Brazil in 'Journal of the Irish Family History Society' 2 (1986), pp. 41-43.

Murray, Edmundo, "Brazil and Ireland" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]
Mutran, Munira H. and Laura P.Z. Izarra (eds.), Irish Studies in Brazil (São Paulo: Humanitas, 2006). Review by Rosa Gonzalez in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 July 2006. [document]

O Maidin, Padraig, An Irish Mutiny in Brazil and a betrayal in the 'Cork Examiner' 21 May 1981.

O'Neill, Peter (ed.), Links between Brazil & Ireland 1998/99 Survey (Rio de Janeiro, 1999). [website]

O'Neill, Peter, Irish Literature in Brazil since 1888: Bibliographic details of works by or about Irish writers that have been translated into (Brazilian) Portuguese in 'Links between Brazil & Ireland', website (http://www.gogobrazil.com/litpage.html), accessed 22 December 2005. [website]
O'Neil, Thomas. A vinda da família real portuguesa para o Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, 2007). Translated from the English original by Ruth Sylvia de Miranda Salles. Thomas O' Neil, second lieutenant at the British army, was appointed as a body guard of the Portuguese royal family during their journey from Portugal to Brazil in 1808.
O´Reilly, Thomas. An Acre Sown - St. Patrick’s Missionary Society in Brazil (Dublin: Kiltegan Fathers, 2001).
Ó Síocháin, Seamus, Roger Casement, Ethnography and the Putumayo in 'Eire-Ireland' 29:2 (1994), pp. 29-41.

Platt, D.C.M., British Agricultural Colonization in Latin America in 'Inter-American Economic Affairs' (Washington, D.C.) 18:3 (1964), pp. 3-38.

Quinn, David B., Ireland and America: Their Early Associations, 1500-1640 (Liverpool University Press, 1991).

Scully, William, Brazil; Its Provinces and Chief Cities; the Manners and Customs of the People etc. (London: Murray & Co., 1866).

Sullivan, Eileen A., Irish Mercenaries in 19th Century Brazil (Irish Educational Association, Gainsville FL). [website]

Unknown, Padre Joao is a Kerryman (1977), a documentary film produced by Radharc Films and aired by RTÉ on 28 October 1977. Duration: 26.38. 'Father Sean Myers, a Redemptorist missionary is at once priest, dentist, mechanic and guide to the 27,000 people living in a remote corner of the Brazilian interior. Although he is affectionately known as "Padre Joao" by his people, there are many that think his approach is outmoded' (from Radharc website, cited 30 July 2007).
Vale, Brian, A War Betwixt Englishmen: Brazil Against Argentina On The River Plate, 1825-1830 (London: Tauris, 1999). There is a translation into Spanish by Instituto de Publicaciones Navales (Buenos Aires, 2005). The book chronicles the fight over control of the River Plate between the two countries, in a war that was the origin of Uruguay as an independent country. The author, who served as British Council representative in Latin America, conducted extensive research in British, Argentine and Brazilian archives. New perspectives on the Argentine navy's commander, William Brown, who according to the author achieved vast fame in this war but his exploits were counterbalanced by his weaknesses, especially his tendency to run unnecessary risks and his habit of constantly finding flaws in his staff. Many other Irish, British and Scottish fought in both sides of the war. A passage mentions Col. Cotter's recruitment efforts in Cork to fight for Brazil.

Vale, Brian, British sailors and the Brazilian Navy 1822-1850 in 'The Mariner's Mirror' 80:3 (1994), pp. 312-325.

Vale, Brian, "English and Irish Naval Officers in the War for Brazilian Independence" in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4:3 (July 2006). [document]

Walsh, Rev. R., Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829 (Boston: Richardson, Lord & Holbrook, 1831). Two vols. [website]

Copyright © Edmundo Murray, 2005

Online published: 1 April 2003
Edited: 07 May 2009

Murray, Edmundo, 'The Irish in Latin America and Iberia: A Bibliography' in "Irish Migration Studies in Latin America" 2006. Available online (www.irlandeses.org), accessed .


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

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