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Irish Latin American Research Fund
2009-2010 Academic Year


Rules and Application

Call for Grant Proposals - Selection Committee - Rules and Application - New Grant Recipients

06 August 2009

Download the Rules, Application Form, and Grantee Agreement
doc - pdf

Irish Latin American Research Fund

1.      Objective

The objective of the Irish Latin American Research Fund is to support innovative and significant research in the different aspects of relations between Ireland and Latin America.

Grants will be awarded to exceptionally promising students, faculty members or independent scholars to help support their research leading to publication or other types of communication of their projects.

Awards will be selected on the basis of a well-developed research plan that promises to make a significant contribution to a particular area of study about Ireland and Latin America, and the applicant's qualifications for research on the topic.

2.      Eligibility

The Irish Latin American Research Fund is open to faculty, advanced university students and independent scholars throughout the world. Selection Committee members are encouraged to consider these three categories on an equal basis.

Applications from groups of up to two researchers will be considered as from one candidate.

Successful applicants must wait until two rounds of grants have passed before reapplying.

3.      Uses of Grant Money

Grant money of the Irish Latin American Research Fund may be used for non-incurred expenses derived from field trips to consult libraries and archives in Ireland, Latin America or other places, costs of copying pertinent archival resources or recording interviews, and living expenses while pursuing research.

Grant money should be used within the academic year for which the grant was awarded.

The Selection Committee will base their decisions on the following criteria:

  • Relevance/importance/timeliness of the Project

  • the structure of the Project Description, indicating clarity of aims and methodology and a realistic time-frame for completion

  • Significance/originality of outputs that will result from the Project. Note: depending on the nature of the project, an ‘output’ might be a publication, recorded interviews, letters, documents or other original datasets that are to be collected, copies of which are to be lodged in the SILAS archive and/or other agreed repository.

The Irish Latin American Research Fund does not provide financial support for:

- Production costs for media projects

- Production, editorial or translation costs

- Purchases of capital equipment

- Excessive travel expenses

- Tuition or matriculation fees

- Costs associated with conference attendance

- Salary, stipends or other payroll-associated costs of the researcher

4.      Application

Applications must contain the following elements:

- Application form (attached)

- Project Description (max. 3 pages)

- Curriculum vitae (max. 3 pages)

- Itemized budget (max. 1 page)

- (Students) Letter of recommendation from principal faculty advisor

- Signed Grantee Agreement

- Candidate's photograph

Applications must be received (or postmarked) on or before the deadline at the Secretariat of the Selection Committee. All elements must be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and submitted in A4, non-stapled hard copy.

5.      Payment

The Irish Latin American Research Fund grants will be paid at the start of the grant term (usually twelve months), after the recipient signs and returns the Grantee Agreement (attached). Fund transference costs will be deducted from the amount awarded.

6.      Grantee Reporting

Upon completion of research, grant recipients are required to submit a Research Report on their fieldwork within one month after completion. The report must be addressed to the President of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies, and should include an account of fieldwork performed and results, the itemised use of grant money with receipts attached, and publication plans. Additionally, grant recipients who are independent scholars must submit an article to SILAS publications within six months of receiving the grant awards.

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies reserves the right to discontinue an awarded grant if the recipient is reliably reported to be misusing the grant money, or failing to undertake the work for which the grant was awarded.

A copy of any published work or unpublished theses, dissertations, and academic papers created as a result of the grantee's research funded by the Irish Latin American Research Fund must be forwarded to the Secretariat of SILAS upon publication or approval.

7.      Credits and Copyrights

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies and its Irish Latin American Research Fund will be credited in all published or unpublished work created as a result of the grantee's research funded by the Irish Latin American Research Fund. For these works, the grant recipient may retain copyright, but SILAS reserves the right to publish them in its website and/or other publications.


1.      Selection Committee

        The Selection Committee is composed of three voting Members, one of them acts as Chair. Members should be actively involved in teaching in tertiary institutions anywhere in the world, particularly offering post-graduate degrees in Irish, Latin American, or similar studies. Reading skills in English and Spanish are usually required.

        In addition to the Members, an Advisor and a Secretary assist the Selection Committee. The Advisor and the Secretary do not vote.

        Selection Committee Members, the Advisor and the Secretary are chosen by the Executive Committee of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies (SILAS) or delegated body.

        At least one Selection Committee Member should not be a SILAS member.

2.      Calendar of Activities

        The Secretary establishes a Calendar of Activities, including: period of advertising, deadline to receive Research Proposals, and date of announcement of grantees.

3.      Research Proposals

        Complete Research Proposals are received and filed by the Secretary.

        Every Research Proposal must contain the following elements: Application Form, Project, CV, and itemized budget. Additionally, students must include a recommendation letter from their thesis supervisor.

        Immediately after receiving a complete Research Proposal, the Secretary acknowledges receipt to the candidate.

4.      Process of Selection

        After the deadline for submissions, the Secretary makes four copies of every complete Research Proposal, and distributes them among Selection Committee Members and Advisor. The Secretary files the originals.

        The Chair works with the Members in order to reach consensus. Committee Members decide on and rank the best proposals (at least three) and communicate the result to the Secretary. Comments on outstanding merit should be included.

        If there is agreement, the Secretary and the Advisor decide (according to the budget) the grantees and the amounts awarded and communicate their decision to the Selection Committee for approval. The Selection Committee adopts a decision.

        If there is no agreement, the Secretary and the Advisor propose the grantees and the amounts awarded. The Chair gets consensus among the Selection Committee members and adopts the final decision.

        The decision of the Selection Committee is final.

        The Secretary announces the decision through the website and email distribution.


Irish Latin American Research Fund

Application Form















University or institutional affiliation (if any)

(Please specify department)

Member of the Faculty?

No [   ]     Yes [   ]    If yes, rank:                                                                 


Undergraduate [   ]  Graduate [   ]
Principal advisor or thesis director:

Independent Scholar?

No [   ]     Yes [   ]   

Intended Product

Thesis [   ]   Dissertation [   ]    Book [   ]   Article [   ]    Documentary [   ]   Other [   ] (describe)


Date degree expected or date of project completion


Title or research topic (please include the time period being studied):






How did you learn about this research grant opportunity?  (Please be specific)


Proposed field trip: purpose, destination, dates of travel and proposed duration of stay (may be changed)





Estimate of actual expenses; please provide details of air, automobile, bus, rail, or other expenses and local accommodations (please add an itemized budget):


Amount of grant support requested  (in Euros)


Before submitting the application, did you attach:

        Your Project Description (max. 3 pages)?

        Your Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages)?

        Your Itemised Budget (1 page)?

        Your photo?

        UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE STUDENTS: A letter of recommendation from your principal faculty advisor (may be mailed separately)?

        The signed Grantee Agreement?

        Did you ensure that your research project is undoubtedly relevant within the Scope of Study of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies, i.e., "the migration of people from Ireland to Latin America, their settlement, lives, and achievements, as well as those of their descendants, together with contemporary presence of Ireland and people of Irish ancestry in the life and culture of Latin America, and the presence of Latin Americans in Ireland"?



Signature ______________________________   Date ____________________

The application must be received (or postmarked) on or before the established deadline at: 

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

Maison Rouge

1268 Burtigny




Irish Latin American Research Fund

Grantee Agreement

The undersigned Grantee undertakes to comply with the following liabilities, as well as with the Rules and Procedures of the Irish Latin American Research Fund.

1.       The control of funds provided under this programme shall remain with the Society for Irish Latin American Studies (SILAS). The funds shall be spent only for the purpose for which they are granted. Grantees who fail to complete their projects within agreed upon schedule, without justification and approval by SILAS, will be required to return the full amount of funds granted.

2.      Within one month after completion of research, a Research Report shall be generated by the Grantee. The report must be addressed to the President of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies, and should include (i) an account of fieldwork performed and results, (ii) the itemised use of grant money with receipts attached, and (iii) publication plans.

3.      SILAS reserves the right to discontinue an awarded grant if the recipient fails to undertake the work for which the grant was awarded.

4.      Research proposals and photos submitted by Grantees may be published as support material and distributed among candidates in the following academic years.

5.      Copies of any published work or unpublished theses, dissertations, articles, and academic papers created as a result of the Grantee's research funded by SILAS ("SILAS-funded research papers") shall be forwarded by the Grantee to the Secretariat of SILAS immediately upon publication or completion.

6.      SILAS and its Irish Latin American Research Fund shall be credited in all SILAS-funded research papers.

7.      The Grantee may retain copyright for SILAS-funded research papers, but SILAS reserves the right to publish them in its own publications anytime.

8.      Upon completion of fieldwork, an article (approximately 2,500 words) will be considered for publication by SILAS.













Bank Name:


Bank Account Number:

Account Holder's Name:

S.W.I.F.T. or IBAN (check one):


Bank Address:

Account Holder's Address:

Funds transference costs shall be paid by the grantee.


Complete the required information and send your proposal through the post to:
Society for Irish Latin American Studies
Maison Rouge (1268) Burtigny, Switzerland

Applications must be received or postmarked by
30 April 2009
Awards will be announced on 18 July 2009


Copyright © The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2004-2009


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

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