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Irish Latin American Research Fund
2009-2010 Academic Year

Selection Committee

Call for Grant Proposals - Selection Committee - Rules and Application - New Grant Recipients

Munira Hamud Mutran (Chair)

Munira H. Mutran

For 25 years Professor Munira Hamud Mutran has been a pioneer in developing Irish studies in an international arena and in particular the informing spirit in its development, throughout South America. She has inaugurated Irish Studies as an academic discipline in the Brazilian university system and has been a highly influential cultural ambassador for Ireland in South America. On 12 June 2008 she received a Degree of Doctor of Literature Honoris Causa at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Professor Mutran has published 12 books as well as 50 articles and book chapters, mostly in the field of Irish studies (fiction, drama and cultural history) and Irish-South American studies. In 2002 she hosted the annual International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL) conference in Brazil and has been an active member of that association over the past 25 years. She is President of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies (ABEI) and co-editor of the ABEI Journal. In 2006 working with her close colleague Professor Laura Izarra, she organized the first symposium of Irish Studies in South America, which continues on an annual basis. Currently she is the main researcher in the project, co-ordinated by Professor Laura Izarra, Da Irlanda para o Brasil: Textos Criticos, a multi-volume anthology of Irish cultural criticism to be published in Portuguese.


Aline Helg

Aline Helg

Aline Helg obtained her Ph.D. degree from the University of Geneva (1983), where she is Professor of History since 2003. She also taught at Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) and the University of Texas at Austin (1989-2003). She has been awarded research grants in Switzerland by the National Fund and the Foreign Affairs Ministry, and in the USA by the National Humanities Center, the University of Texas, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Philosophical Society, and the Ford, Mellon and Rockefeller foundations. Her fields of studies are the Americas and the Atlantic world since the wars of independence, the African Diaspora, ethnicity, racism, and compared civil rights. She published Civiliser le peuple et former les élites. L'éducation en Colombie, 1918-1957 (Paris, 1984), also in Spanish as La educación en Colombia, 1918-1957 (Bogotá, 1987 and 2001). Her second book, Our Rightful Share. The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912 (Chapel Hill, 1995), also in Spanish translation as Lo que nos corresponde: La lucha de los negros y mulatos en Cuba, 1886-1912 (La Habana, 2000), has received prizes from the American Historical Association, the Association of Caribbean Historians, and the Caribbean Studies Association. Dr Helg's Liberty and Equality in Caribbean Colombia, 1770-1835 (Chapel Hill, 2004, soon to be published in Spanish) has also been the recipient of a prize from the American Historical Association. She has published chapters in edited volumes and articles in Comparative Studies in Society and History, Colonial Latin American Historical Review, Ethnohistory, Journal of Latin American Studies, Revista de Indias, Slavery & Abolition, América Negra, Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, and Revista Iberoamericana. She is now working on a new book, Après l'esclavage : unité et diversité des Amériques noires de l'abolition à la mondialisation, to be published by André Versaille in Brussels.

Ronaldo Munck

Ronaldo Munck

Ronaldo Munck joined Dublin City University in 2004 as Theme Leader for internationalisation, interculturalism and social development and as a Professor of the University. He had previously been at the University of Liverpool had been Professor of Political Sociology and Director of the Globalisation and Social Exclusion Unit (GSEU) since 1996. Previously, he had been the first post-apartheid Chair in Sociology at the University of Durban – Westville, one of the HDU (historically black universities) in South Africa. Before that, he had been many years at the University of Ulster. His research interests include Latin American politics: including books on democracy, labour movements and a general overview, Irish society: including books on economic development, Belfast in the 1930’s and a general overview, International Development: including the best-selling Critical Development Theories and a number of influential articles, and Political Sociology: including major studies of nationalism, Marxism, social movements and urban development.

Previous Selection Committee Members

: Mary N. Harris (chair), Jorge L. Chinea, Peter Hulme

2007-2008: Maureen Murphy (chair), Piaras Mac Éinrí, Guillermo O'Donnell

2006-2007: Laura P.Z. Izarra (chair), Kerby A. Miller, Angus Mitchell

2005-2006: Thomas Ihde (chair), Rosa González-Casademont, Peadar Kirby

2004-2005: Kevin Whelan (chair), Hilda Sabato, Oliver Marshall


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

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