
Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Argentina

History of the Toponym
Eduardo Pedro Maguire (1865-1929). Son of John Maguire (d. 1905) and Mary Gaynor. Eduardo Pedro was born on 17 September 1865 in Capilla del Señor. He was a well-known estanciero, Major of Salto and consultant to the Bank of London and the River Plate. On 18 May 1891, he married Catalina (Kate) Murray (1866-1940), daughter of John Murray and Mary Fox. Eduardo Pedro died on 30 March 1929 in Ciudad de Buenos Aires. He and Kate had eight children, among them, John Walter Maguire (1906-1981), author of 'Loncagüé' and 'La Pezuña de Oro'. [1]

Description & History of the Place
In 1907, Eduardo Pedro Maguire and his wife Catalina Murray donated two parcels, 52328 and 30650 m2 respectively (5.2 and 3.1 hectares), to the Ferrocarril Central Argentino (6178/1907, San Nicolás). [2]


Irish Settlements

[1] Coghlan 1987:______
[2] Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Departamento de Investigación Histórica y Cartográfica, Dirección de Geodesia (Provincia de Buenos Aires). José Pedro Thill, May, 2002.

1 2 3
4 5 5
1. Railway station
2. Railway station
3. Bridge over Maguire stream (motorway 8)
4. Maguire stream
5. Stream near Maguire railway station


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Copyright © The Irish Argentine Historical Society. 2004