
Voices from the Camps

Eduardo A. Coghlan, by Bill Meek (1987)

Genealogist. Editor of Andanzas de un Irlandés en el Campo Porteño 1845-1864 (1981). Author of El Aporte de los Irlandeses a la Formación de la Nación Argentina (1982), and Los Irlandeses en la Argentina: Su Actuación y Descendencia (1987), among other works.


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00.00:00 – How did you set about researching about these families? What sort of source material did you use? – Well, I read ... I went through the collections of the Irish papers, mainly the Southern Cross and the Standard.
00.21:38 The Standard was a paper that was published by the Mulhalls, and started publishing in 1861 until about twenty years ago. So they had ... every time there was a marriage or a death of an Irishman they gave all the data, and that was meant to do it, no?
00.45:27 – But you also have a great deal of detail about the very ships of the Irish? – Ah yes. I went to the Archivo General de la Nación, and I went to the books containing the ships that arrived in Buenos Aires starting in 1830 more or less. They are not complete, and they give all the names and the port of procedence of the Irish.
01.19:68 Then I went to the ... census, the 1869 census and the 1895. And I took all the Irish names and people that were certain to be Irish-born. And then with Irish surnames, that were Argentines but were sons or daughters of Irish people.


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