Adams, Richard. Ollin: San Patricios, a radio interview
to Vincent Valdez and brothers Randy and Scott Rodarte,
members of the musical band Ollin in Los Angeles, and authors
of the album San Patricios. Sound and text available
online (http://www.theworld.org/?q=taxonomy_by_date/2/20070316),
accessed 19 March 2007. [website]
Other songs inspired by the San Patricio Battalion or John
Rilley have been composed by groups Fianna and Black 47, and
soloist David Rovics. [document]
Alcaraz, Ramón (ed.), Apuntes para la historia de la guerra
entre México y los Estados Unidos (México: M. Pyno, 1848).
Translated and edited by Albert C. Ramsey, The Other Side:
Notes for the History of the War Between Mexico and the United
Sates (New York: J. Wiley, 1850).
- Baker, B. Kimball, The Saint
Patricks Fought for their Skins and Mexico in
"Smithsonian" 8 (1978), pp. 94-101.
- Bender, Abby, "That glorious Emblem of native rights": The
Cultural "Hybridity" of the San Patricio Battalion Flag in
"Globalization and the Image II: The Global Image" 2002 MLA
Convention, New York City, NY (30 December 2002). Available online <www.case.edu/affil/sce/Texts_2002/Bender.html>
(cited 22 August 2005).
- Cook, Roy, Saint Patrick's Battalion, the Batallón San Patricio:
Mexican War Heroes in "La Prensa San Diego" 28:10 (12 March
2004). Available online <www.laprensa-sandiego.org/archieve/march12-04/saint.htm>
(cited 22 August 2005).
- Cox, Patricia, Batallón de
San Patricio (México: Editorial Stylo, 1954).
- Day, Mark R., The San Patricios (documentary). Marketing
notice available online
<www.dayproductions.com/theSanPatricios.html> (cited 22 August
- Descendants of Mexican War Veterans, The U.S.-Mexican War.
Available online <www.dmwv.org/mexwar/mexwar1.htm> (cited 25 August
- Downey, Fairfax, Tragic Story
of the San Patricio Battalion in "American Heritage" 6
(1955), pp. 20-23.
- Federman, Stan, Battalion of
the Damned in "Army" (July 1979), pp. 41-46.
- Finke, Detmar H., The
Organization and Uniforms of the San Patricio Units of the
Mexican Army, 1846-1848 in "Military Collector and
Historian" 9 (Summer 1957), pp. 36-38.
- Hogan, Michael, The Irish Soldiers of Mexico (Mexico: Fondo
Editorial Universitario, 1997). [website]
- Hool, Lance (director), One Man's Heroe
(film, 1999). Known as El Batallón de San Patricio in
Mexico, and Héroes sin patria in Spain. MGM/UA
Studios, 122 minutes, with Tom Berenger and Daniela Romo. See review
by Mark Day available online <www.vivasancarlos.com/movie.html>
(cited 22 August 2005). [website]
- Hopkins, G. T., The San Patricio Battalion in the Mexican War
in "Cavalry Journal" 24 (September 1913), pp. 279-284.
Krueger, Karl, Saint Patrick's Battalion (New York:
Popular Library, 1962).
- Mahoney,
Thomas, Fifty Hanged and Eleven Branded: The Story of the
San Patricio Battalion in "Southwest Review" 32 (1947),
pp. 373-377.
- McCornack, Richard Blaine, The San Patricio Deserters in the Mexican
War, 1847 in "The Irish Sword" Vol. 3 (Winter 1958), pp.
- McGinn, Brian, The San Patricios: An Historical Perspective
in "irishdiaspora.net". Available online <www.irishdiaspora.net>
(cited 22 August 2005).
Miller, Robert Ryal, Shamrock and Sword: The Saint
Patrick's Battalion in the U.S.-Mexican War (Norman,
Oklahoma: University Press of Oklahoma, 1989).
- Nordstrom, Pam, San Patricio Battalion in "The Handbook of
Texas Online". Available online <www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/SS/qis1.html>
(cited 22 August 2005).
- O'Reilly, Juan: San Patricio
(Batallón de) in "Diccionario Porrúa de historia,
biografía y geografía de México" (Mexico: Editorial Porrúa,
- Power, Wally, The Enigma of
the San Patricios in "An Cosantoir" (Irish Ministry of
Defence), 21 (1971), pp. 7-12.
- Stevens, Peter F., The Rogue's March: John Riley and the
St. Patrick's Battalion (Washington D.C.: Brassey's, 1999).
General account of the defection of John Riley and his
companions, with strong ideological influence of the assumed
British and USAmerican oppression of the Irish immigrants for
ethnic and religious reasons. Includes an appendix with the
names of St. Patrick's Battalion members, and an extensive
- Stevens, Peter F., The
Proving Ground in "American History Illustrated" 3
(February-March 1988), pp. 38-44.
- Stinson, Byron, They Went
Over to the Enemy in "American History Illustrated" 3
(1968), pp. 30-36.
- Sweeny, William M., The Irish
Soldiers in the War with Mexico in "American Irish
Historical Society" 26 (1927), pp. 255-259.
- Thom, James Alexander. Saint Patrick's Battalion (New York: Ballantine Books, 2006)."No plausible justification is given for the narrator's devotion to him (John Riley), except that he is Irish. No insight is offered into the Irish deserter's characters or deeper motivations. The result is a plodding, repetitive elegy to all things Irish and most things Mexican" (review by Clay Reynolds, "Driven to Desertion: novel lauds Irish-American troops who fought for Mexico" in Chron Book Reviews, 25 August 2006, www.chron.com, cited 16 June 2010).
- Wallace, Edward S., The
Battalion of Saint Patrick in the Mexican War in "Military
Affairs" 14 (Summer 1950), pp. 84-91.
- Wynn, Dennis J., The San Patricio Soldiers: Mexico's Foreign
Legion in "Southwestern Studies", Monograph 74 (El Paso TX: Western Press,
- Wynn, Dennis J., The 'San
Patricios' and the United States-Mexican War of 1846-1848,
PhD thesis, Loyola University (Chicago, 1982). |