
Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Argentina

History of the Toponym
Guillermo Ham (1859-1928). He was the son of Peter Ham (1813-1869), who 'came to this country in the year 1842. He was a steady, upright man. He lived to a good age, and has left behind him a family of which he might well feel poud (sic) in his last moments. Mr. Ham, through his persevering industry and uprightness, amassed an inmense (sic) fortune (about eightteen million, currency) since his arrival in the Plate' (The Southern Cross). [1]

Also see San Andrés de Giles.

Description & History of the Place
On 16 February 1893, Guillermo Ham donated 6,321 m2 to the Ferrocarril de Buenos Aires al Pacífico (Judge: Arturo Gamboa. Notary Public: A. P. Lagos. 651/1903/San Nicolás). [2]


Irish Settlements

[1] Coghlan 1987:____ 
[2] Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Departamento de Investigación Histórica y Cartográfica, Dirección de Geodesia (Provincia de Buenos Aires). José Pedro Thill, May, 2002.


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Copyright © The Irish Argentine Historical Society. 2004