
Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Argentina

History of the Toponym
Honoria Kenny de Gahan.

Description & History of the Place
In 1898, in order to build the railway station and tracks, Honoria Kenny de Gahan sold two land parcels to the Ferrocarril Central Buenos Aires. The railway company was represented by Mr. Federico Lacroze (6789/1898/M).


Irish Settlements


1 2 3
4 5 6
1. Gahan
2. Gahan community
3. Tomás Morgan street sign
4. Gahan family estate 'El Alba'
5. Selling announcement of Gahan land (1926)
6. Selling announcement of Gahan land (1926)
7. Original house of the Gahan family estate 'El Alba'

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Copyright © The Irish Argentine Historical Society. 2004