
Dictionary of Irish Latin American Biography

Tormey, Eduardo (1848-1912), landowner and politician, was born in Capilla del Señor, the third child of Darby [Jerónimo] Tormey (1810-1868) and his wife, Mary Anne Culligan (1825-1868). In the 1860s, Darby Tormey was one of the wealthiest Irish settlers in Argentina, owner of land and sheep in San Andrés de Giles, Capilla del Señor and Rojas. Both parents and the youngest sister, Matilde Tormey (b.1864) died during the cholera outbreak of 1868.

Eduardo Tormey was a member of the National Civic Union. He was the first major of Capilla del Señor appointed in elections (1887-1904). Tormey was elected MP to the Buenos Aires provincial parliament in three terms. He was also a member of the board at the Irish Catholic Association, and a committee member of the Capilla horse racing club.

Ten years after the death of their parents, Eduardo Tormey and his brothers owned 1.5 league of land and 30,000 sheep. "This princely estate stretches away from Capilla to Giles, yet they have another equally fine property in Rojas. This family is most united and from the first, foreseeing the great value of the place, determined not to divide the testamentaria. To this they were well advised by Mrss. Duggan, Culligan and other old friends, and well was it for them that they took the sage advice, the estate has increased tenfold in value" (The Southern Cross 4 January 1878 in Coghlan 1987). Furthermore, Tormey purchased land in Córdoba and Entre Ríos. Eduardo Tormey married Rosa (1850?-1925), the daughter of James Gaynor (1802-1892) and Louise Wallace (1813-1879). They had six children. 

Eduardo Tormey died on 31 January 1912 in Buenos Aires, and was buried in the cemetery of Capilla del Señor.

Gonzalo Cané


- Coghlan, Eduardo A., Los Irlandeses en la Argentina: Su Actuación y Descendencia (Buenos Aires, 1987), p. 864.

- The Southern Cross, Número del Centenario (Buenos Aires, 1975), p. 45.

Copyright © Society for Irish Latin American Studies

Online published: 1 April 2004
Edited: 07 May 2009

Cané, Gonzalo, '
Tormey, Eduardo (1848-1912)' in "Irish Migration Studies in Latin America" November-December 2005 (


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

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