

Sr. Hutchinson, otra vez, no dice V. nonsenses, no tonterrias

By Edmundo Murray



Thomas Joseph Hutchinson (c.1802-1885): a Bibliography

- Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda, & Binuë Exploration, including a Report on the Position and Prospects of Trade up those Rivers, with Remarks on the Malaria and Rivers of West Africa (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1855). 267 pages. Dedicated to Macgregor Laird, Esq., Managing Director of the African Steam-ship Co. Part 1: chapters 1-6. Part 2: chapters 7-10. Addendum (corrigenda).

- Impressions of Western Africa, with remarks on the Diseases of the Climate and a Report on the Peculiarities of Trade Up the Rivers in the Bight of Biafra (London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts, 1858). 313 pages. Dedicated to George William Frederick, Earl of Clarendon, HM's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Preface signed in the British Consulate, Fernando Po, 1 January 1858. Appendix A: 'Peculiarities of the Countries interior to Lagos', letter from Samuel Growther, a missionary of the Established Church, to Thomas Joseph Hutchinson, 10 September 1856 (Lagos). Appendix B: 'Opportunities for production and trade of cotton'. Appendix C: 'The Diseases of the Native Africans'. Descriptions of leprosy, yaws, crow-crow, elephantiasis, phagodermic ulcer, lethargy.

- Ten Years' Wanderings among the Ethiopians; with sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Civilized and Uncivilized Tribes, from Senegal to Gabon (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1861). 329 pages, with engraves. Dedicated to William Bingham Baring, Lord Ashburton, president of the Royal Geographical Society.

- Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings: with extracts from a diary of the Salado exploration in 1862 and 1863 (London: Edward Stanford, 1865). Map of the Argentine Republic within the 24th and 35th parallels. 'Note: this map is chiefly copied from Dr. Herman Burmeister's. The course and neighbourhood of the Rio Salado are taken from Mr. Coghlan's map published in 1859. Additions and alterations have also been made by Consul Hutchinson.' Translated into Spanish by Luis Vicente Varela, Buenos Aires y otras Provincias Argentinas, con estractos de un diario de la esploración del Río Salado en 1862 y 1863 (Buenos Aires: Imprenta del Siglo, 1866), 296 pages, which was reprinted with preface and notes by José Luis Trenti Rocamora (Buenos Aires: Editorial Huarpes, 1945).

- The Paraná; With Incidents of the Paraguayan War, and South American Recollections from 1861 to 1868 (London: Edward Standford, 1868). 424 pages. Maps, illustrations and portrait of the author. Dedicated to Lord Stanley (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs). Preface signed in 21A, Hanover Square, London. Appendix A: Argentine Measures compared with English and French. Appendix B: River Navigation. Appendix C: Argentine Seasons.

- Up the Rivers and Through Some Territories of the Rio de la Plata Districts in South America [Read at the 38th Meeting, 1868, of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in Norwich, on the 21st of August, Section E, Geography and Ethnology] (London: Bates Hendy & Co., 1868). 30 pages.

- Our Meat Supply from Abroad: A paper read before the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, January 9th 1871 (Liverpool: David Marples, 1871). 16 pages.

- Two Years in Peru, with Exploration of its Antiquities (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1873). Volume 1: 342 pages. Volume 2: 334 pages. Dedicated to Manuel Pardo, President of Peru. Map by Daniel Barrera and numerous illustrations. Appendix A: 'Remarks on a Collection of 150 Ancient Peruvian Skulls, presented to the Anthropological Institute', paper read by Dr. Busk, F.R.G.S, at the Anthropological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, April 1st 1873, among other papers. Appendix B: Professor L. Agassiz to H.M. Brent (U.S. chargé d'affaires in Lima), Callao 1 June 1872.

- Summer Holidays in Brittany (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Riwigton, 1876). 232 pages. Map and illustrations. Dedicated to Mrs. S.C. Hall. Preface signed at Ballinescar Lodge, Curracloe, Wexford, 1 March 1876.


1 - 2 - Appendix


Copyright © Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2006

Online published: 1 October 2006
Edited: 07 May 2009

Murray, Edmundo,
Sr. Hutchinson, otra vez, no dice V. nonsenses, no tonterrias: A Bigoted Response to Thomas J. Hutchinson's "Two Years in Peru" (1873)' in "Irish Migration Studies in Latin America" 4:4 (October 2006). Available online (, accessed .


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